
In an extremely layered season finale, we find out that Wes' killer is linked to Laurel's father.


There's a strong possibility that Renee Atwood was working with the Mahoney's to take Annalise down.


Now it seems like Nate might be the murderous psycho instead of Frank.

News & Gossip

Things aren't looking too good for Annalise, as more and more charges get piled up against her.

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We finally found out who was under the sheet and we're devastated, but we can't get any real answers until January.

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Annalise uses Frank to her advantage once again, but she also wishes he would just die already.

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Frank finds out about Laurel and Wes, pays Bonnie a visit, and there's still one more episode until we find out who got burned to a crisp.

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Bonnie shacks up with Frank for a hot second, while Annalise has an alcohol relapse, and more.

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The gang's all back for the drama, but one of Annalise's crew doesn't make it out alive.

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Frank reveals a dark secret connected to Annalise losing her baby, Wes confronts Wallace Mahoney, and Caleb isn't who we thought he was.

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The full story comes out about how Annalise lost her baby and how Rose's mom is really connected to the Mahoney's.

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Phillip continues his reign of terror over Annalise and co, and some new revelations surface about how Wes' mom may have really died.