Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are about to be parents for the second time over.

According to a report at Radaronline Avatar star Laz Alonzo has accused an On The Border Mexican restaurant in Los Anglese of racism for denying him service.

According to director James Cameron, 20th Century Fox had some initial apprehension that his $2 billion-dollar-baby delivered the wrong kind of message

"Sherlock Holmes" was boss at the box office Christmas Day, according to Warner Brothers.

It looks like Avatar, Hollywood's most expensive movie ever launched, picked up an estimated $73 million Friday-Sunday. That fell short of 2009's opening-weekend record, but, with awards season, word of mouth and less snow presumably primed to fuel weeks of ticket sales, set the James Cameron space epic on a course to potentially become one of Hollywood's top money-makers of all time.

Avatar isn't being released until December 18th, but if you're already sick of hearing about it, you better plug up your ears