New research explains why Black and low-income students lag behind more affluent White peers in science. The researchers recommend early exposure to science.

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African-American students at the University of Missouri are on high alert tonight as the campus allegedly continues to be terrorized by groups of racists, believed…

Police in Michigan are apologizing after an officer handcuffed a 7-year-old student at Brownell STEM Academy's after-school program on Oct. 12.


According to a new Gallup-USA Funds Minority College Graduates Report, HBCU graduates actually fare better than those who go to other schools and universities.

Howard University students took to Twitter to express their reported constant struggle with administration, dorm life, and financial aid.


Dr. Chandra Gill, educator, author, founder and CEO of Blackademically Speaking®,oined “NewsOne Now” guest host Armstrong Williams to discuss her new book, “Black Genes-Black Genius.” Dr.…

Graduating high school students often use yearbook quotes to leave a poignant message or some clever quip. However, one student’s nerdy joke apparently offended administrators…


There’s a growing racial gap between students and their teachers. On the eve of the 60th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education…

African American students are suspended far more frequently than white children, especially in middle school, according to a new study by a UCLA researcher and a colleague in Indiana.