
In a much-needed break from negativity about police encounters with African-Americans, a Louisville, Ky. officer is winning widespread praise after assisting a woman across the…


Devon Still is finally giving us an update on his daughter Leah‘s health, and the news couldn’t be better. The four-year-old little girl has had a tough battle…


Fashion may be fun, but it can also change people’s lives. Mo’ne Davis, the famous 13-year-old little league pitcher that covered Sports Illustrated, is teaming up with shoe brand M4D3 to design…

A woman who believed she was 12 weeks pregnant turned out to be six months pregnant when she gave birth to her fourth child in…


Here’s some good news. Not too long ago, news of a father who would be raising quadruplets on his own after his wife died during childbirth hit…


Seniors gearing up for graduation at Howard University can breathe a little easier now; the Mecca is implementing a new practice that will surely lower…

Seniors gearing up for graduation at Howard University can breathe a little easier now; the Mecca is implementing a new practice that will surely lower…

Talk about dedicated a worker! When James Robertson’s (pictured) story appeared in the Detroit Free Press about how he walks 42 miles a day roundtrip to…

Although African Americans make up just 13 percent of the U.S. population, we account for 33 percent of the missing in the Federal Bureau of…

Movie mogul, playwright, director and actor extraordinaire Tyler Perry (pictured with kids) is known for being generous with his fortune. Perry has supported such causes as…

Four-year-old Abby (pictured) is solely responsible for foiling her babysitter, boyfriend, and his friend’s alleged plot to rob her home of valuables then blame the…

When Dr. Kevin Smith (pictured) and his 22-year-old daughter Alana arrived home and spotted a red pickup truck and a group of alleged thieves pulling out…