Seven inmates were given a combined total punishment of 7,150 days, or 19.75 years, of solitary confinement at the South Carolina Department of Corrections (SCDC).

Unsanitary and dangerous conditions at the Baltimore City Detention center prompted civil rights lawyers from the American Civil Liberties Union to file a motion Tuesday…


When Frederick Hutson landed in prison at the age of 24 on a drug trafficking charge in Florida, he was surprised to learn that it…

Four San Francisco sheriff’s deputies were placed on administrative leave and are currently under investigation after a public defender accused them of forcing Black and Latino…


After going on a 22-month hiatus following backlash from her racist remarks, Paula Deen will be returning to television. The Georgia-bred chef will debut her…


A new study suggests that white people are willing to support harsher criminal laws if they think more Black people will be arrested. According to…

It is wonderful that Yoga is continuing to gain popularity as a resource for healing in the black community, from celebrities to inmates.  According to, Hollywood star Wesley Snipes requested Yoga Mats to teach other inmates the benefits during his time in prison. Here is the picture that TMZ put up, It is obviously […]

The actor appears on a TV special to try to help a death row inmate and others convicted as teens


After going on a 22-month hiatus following backlash from her racist remarks, Paula Deen will be returning to television. The Georgia-bred chef will debut her…