
Viola Davis finally has the Academy Award she deserves. The acclaimed actress won the statue for Best Supporting Actress at the Oscars, for her role in Fences. And thank God we had a box of tissues ready when she delivered her acceptance speech. “There’s one place that all the people with the greatest potential are gathered, one place, […]


In an extremely layered season finale, we find out that Wes' killer is linked to Laurel's father.


There's a strong possibility that Renee Atwood was working with the Mahoney's to take Annalise down.

This year's Oscars will actually include diversity, with Hidden Figures, Fences, & Moonlight.

Viola Davis delivered a poignant acceptance speech at the 2017 Golden Globes.

Viola Davis inspired women to be themselves despite Hollywood's beauty standards while accepting the inaugural #SeeHer award at the Critics Choice Awards.